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Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT

Manufacturer: Schedule 40
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Description Item # Price Buy Now
Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT 2" Spigot x 1" FPT
SKU: 438-249
Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT 2" Spigot x 1 1/2" FPT
SKU: 438-251
Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT 3" Spigot x 1 1/2" FTP
SKU: 438-337
Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT 3" Spigot x 2" FTP
SKU: 438-338

The Schedule 40 Reducer Bushing - Spigot x FPT is great for reducing/enlarging the tubing or pipe size. Reducing the tubing size will increase the amount of head pressure the pump will have to overcome. A spigot end is the same outer diameter as the tubing or pipe. It will need to be attached with a slip fitting.

Connection:  Spigot x FPT
Tubing:  PVC Pipe and PVC Tubing