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Help Your Fish Weather The Cold With an Outdoor Pond Heater

The weather outside is certainly turning frightful for many areas across the country. Winter is officially here, folks, and for those of you who have backyard water gardens, this is a critical time of year.
Fish ponds are designed to survive in the outdoors all year long, but in the coldest temperatures they may need extra help that Mother Nature can’t provide. If you live in an area of the country that doesn’t reach extremely cold temperatures, you won’t have to worry about your pond life freezing to death.
However, if you battle months of brutal winter weather, you need to make sure your fish and other pond life have the supplies they need to survive.
When stocking up on winter pond supplies, one of the most important things to purchase is a fish pond heater.
How Does an Outdoor Pond Heater Help My Pond Life Survive the Cold?
Once a pond is frozen over, the healthy exchange of gases that normally occurs between your pond’s water and the air around it is eliminated. Toxic gases produced by your fish and plant life then have the opportunity to build up in the water and become harmful.
However, outdoor fish pond heaters, also known as pond de-icers, are designed to create a small hole in your pond’s ice that allows toxic chemicals to escape the water. A garden fish pond heater will not remove an entire sheet of ice from your pond’s surface, but it doesn’t need to. As long as there is a small hole in the ice, gases can be exchanged and your pond life will not suffer. carries a variety of different outdoor pond heaters to meet your needs. Some float on the surface of your water while others are designed to be submerged. Browse our available products to find the model that will work best for your pond.
As always, if you have any questions about keeping your pond healthy throughout the winter, please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable pond supplies experts.
*Image provided by First Light Farms.