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Getting Started: A Breakdown of Our Pond Kits

pond liners

When you have a big task ahead of you, sometimes it’s hard to just get started. Creating your own backyard water garden is a pretty big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult! Once you have decided the location and dug your hole, utilizing a pond kit can make the experience much less complicated, and save you time from searching for all of the products you will need. Each pond kit from gives you all the equipment needed to make a beautiful backyard pond. The components provided in each of our comprehensive water garden kits are perfectly matched to suit the size of the garden pond you plan to create.

Happy Koi Pond Kits: This fish pond kit comes in mini, small and medium size to be the ideal match for the space you have. This kit is ideal for beginners because any guesswork is completely eliminated. Included you will find, a pond skimmer, waterfall filter, magnetic-drive koi pond pump, EPDM koi pond liner, liner underlay, spiral tubing, check valve discharge kit, water conditioner, bacteria, waterfall foam and written installation instructions.

Professional Pond Kits with Atlantic Components : Professional Garden Pond Kits feature the Atlantic Professional Grade Pond Skimmers and FilterFalls. These Water Garden Kits are powered by the Atlantic TT Series Waterfall Pumps, and each one is equipped with all the supplies you need to build a beautiful backyard garden pond. Contents will vary based on the size you choose. But inside you’ll find:

  • Atlantic Filterfalls
  • Atlantic Pond Skimmer
  • Atlantic TT Series Pump
  • Firestone PondGard Pond Liner
  • Pond liner Underlay
  • Flexible PVC Tubing
  • Dechlorinator
  • Beneficial Bacteria
  • Black Waterfall Foam

Savio Pond Kits: Savio pond kits from come with bonus products. Choose either a Savio Water Master Solids or a ShinMaywa Waterfall Pump. Plus you’ll be given an increased choice on pond size as well as a 2″ PVC Hose. Kit sizes are calculated using a 24″ pond depth. Kits include:

  • Firestone Pondgard EPDM Liner
  • Pond Liner Underlay
  • Savio Skimmerfilter
  • Savio Livingponds Waterfall Filter
  • Savio Water Master Solids or ShinMaywa Waterfall Pump
  • 2″ PVC Hose
  • Pump Discharge Kit
  • Filter Drain Kit
  • PVC Hose for Drain Kit
  • Plumbing Connections
  • Black Waterfall Foam
  • Dechlorinator and Bacteria
  • Written Instructions
  • You can find additional Savio pond packages here.

Aquascape Pond Kits: Whether you are a professional pond installer or a DIY enthusiast, everything you need to build a pond is in this pond kit. Inside you will find:

  • Signature Series Pond Skimmer to remove debris form the pond surface.
  • Signature Series Biofalls Pond Filter for complete biological filtration
  • AquaSurge pond pump
  • Kink free tubing
  • EPDM pond liner
  • Pond liner underlay
  • Fittings and silicone sealant
  • Complete installation instructions and owner’s manual
  • Automatic Dosing System (select kits)
  • Pond lighting system (select kits)

*Based on kit, contents may vary

No matter your skill level or pond demands, we have a kit that will meet your needs. Short of the extra design elements, the supplies found in these kits will be everything you need to get the pond of your dreams up and running. If you ever have questions about starting your pond or one of our kits, please contact us.