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CrystalClear ClarityMax

Manufacturers: CrystalClear , Airmax
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CrystalClear ClarityMax - 1 lb
Treats 8,000 Gallons
SKU: CCB051-1
CrystalClear ClarityMax - 2.5 lbs
Treats 20,000 Gallons
SKU: CCB051-2.5
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CrystalClear ClarityMax - 6 lbs
Treats 48,000 Gallons
SKU: CCB051-6
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CrystalClear ClarityMax - 25 lbs
Treats 200,000 Gallons
SKU: CCB051-25
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CrystalClear ClarityMax is designed to restore balance to the pond ecosystem by breaking down organic material that creates problems for pond hobbyists in and around waterfalls, rocks, stream beds, plant pots, pumps and filtration systems.

CrystalClear ClarityMax pond cleaner will work quickly & efficiently to clean the pond by reducing sludge in the pond & filtration devices. CrystalClear ClarityMax reduces cloudy water by precipitating organic and inorganic materials.

Prior to using CrystalClear ClarityMax, these conditions must exist for best results:

  • pH of water maintained between 6.5 & 8.5
  • Water temperature above 60°F (15°C)
  • Dissolved oxygen levels above 3 PPM (3 mg/l)

Standard Application Rates

  • 1 oz treats up to 500 gallons
  • 2 oz treats up to 1,000 gallons
  • 4 oz treats up to 2,000 gallons
  • 8 oz treats up to 4,000 gallons

Application Directions

Apply CrystalClear ClarityMax over the surface area or around the perimeter of the pond in dry form. Be careful not to let product dust plant coverage. Immediately after application the pond may become cloudy. This is a normal process and should clear within 24-48 hours. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for the pond to balance.

CrystalClear ClarityMax will break down and reduce pond debris, thus making it easier to remove by pond filtration systems. Field experience shows that this product works best in ponds from 500 - 8,000 gallons, however very good results have been recorded on much larger projects (16,000 - 500,000 gallon ponds).

CrystalClear ClarityMax is 100% Natural And Safe For All Pond Fish And Plants