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Are You Taking Full Advantage of Your Backyard Pond?

Summer is the perfect time to get the most out of your pond. Whether it’s a traditional water garden, a koi pond or a disappearing waterfall, warm weather practically begs you to sit outside and enjoy your creation. Some people …

Top 3 Fall Pond Supplies to Keep Handy

Fall is a beautiful time of year; the leaves are changing, sunny crisp days turn into cool nights filled with bonfires and other fun activities. But part of that fall allure is the leaves dropping to the ground – and …

Attracting the Right Critters to your Backyard Pond
Pond Frogs

Our ecosystem is shared by all kinds of amazing creatures. Unfortunately, not all of them are very good for our backyard pond and gardens! But the good news is there are a lot of insects and amphibians that we can …

Can I Overdo it with Beneficial Bacteria in my Pond?
water lilies

Ever wondered if it’s possible to have too much of a good thing? Well in the case of adding a lot of beneficial bacteria to your backyard pond there might be. Beneficial bacteria rids your pond of unwanted organic debris. …

Pond To-Do List for Spring
pond fish

Spring is on the horizon and with it comes seasonal pond maintenance. You know you need to clean up your pond and take care of the water before you can start enjoying your pond this spring, but there are a …

Spring Pond Maintenance – Water Care

Spring pond maintenance does not only mean cleaning. Your pond water is part of a delicate ecosystem, and after it’s been dormant all winter, you’ll want to take special care when you’re making changes for spring. Here are our tips …

Spring Pond Maintenance – Spring Pond Cleaning
spring pond

After a difficult winter, the weather is finally breaking, and we’re all ready to be outdoors. These warmer evenings and weekends are the perfect time to start thinking about de-winterizing your pond so it can be up and running when …

Common Summer Pond Problems

Summer is your pond’s time to shine. The weather is right, your fish are flourishing, and relaxing next to your backyard pond is the best part of your afternoon. But just like every other time of year, there are certain seasonal 

Getting Started: A Breakdown of Our Pond Kits
pond liners

When you have a big task ahead of you, sometimes it’s hard to just get started. Creating your own backyard water garden is a pretty big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be too difficult! Once you have decided the …

Basic Pondless Water Feature Chores
Disappearing Water Feature

Adding a pondless water feature to your yard can be a great investment. Whether you want the pleasant sounds of a bubbling fountain or the ambiance of disappearing waterfalls, these additions can really tie together an outdoor area, especially one …